These Things Matter

These Things Matter

We protect valuable things. We take out insurance for our homes, cars, life, health and other possessions. We prioritize things in our life by how much value they hold. It […]

Gird Up the Loins of Your Minds

Gird Up the Loins of Your Minds

In 1973, Arlo Guthrie released “Last Train”, a complicated look at death and the afterlife. The opening line opines, “I want to hop on the last train in the station/Won’t […]

Our Relationship with the World

Our Relationship with the World

We’re surrounded! At workplaces, in schools, on city streets, at shopping malls, and in our neighborhoods — there is no place free from the influence of godlessness. Dishonesty, profanity, immodesty, […]

I Need Your Love!

I Need Your Love!

I have always been enamored with the song by Todd Duncan, Unchained Melody. I’m sure you have too. You surely know some of the words: Oh, my love, My darling. […]

If No One Is Listening

If No One Is Listening

I read a fictional story of a just and good man who visited Sodom before it was destroyed. He hoped to save the city from God’s judgment. He tried talking […]


Don't be Mean - Baker Heights Church of Christ

Who robs a blind man? Who mocks a bald person? Who curses the deaf? It sounds like taunts of bullies on the playground, but God warned the children of Israel, […]

Three Be’s

3 Be's - Baker Heights Church of Christ

As I write this, it is almost 2025. Where has this year gone? I know it’s kind of a dumb question. Every year goes just like every other year has […]

Be Encouraged

Be Encouraged

Andor Foldes was a great Hungarian concert pianist. He once recounted a kiss that changed his life. He was 16 years old and feeling very low because of an ongoing […]

Thinking of Gifts

Thinking of Gifts

Long ago, there ruled in Persia a wise and good king. He loved his people. He wanted to know how they lived. He wanted to know about their hardships. Often, […]

The Power of One

The Power of One

In the 1988 film Willow, written by George Lucas and Bob Dolman, the village sorcerer asks the titular character, “Which finger has the power to control the world?” In the […]

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