Children's Ministry
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
At Baker Heights, it is our mission to grow together in Christ, no matter what age you are, and that begins with our children. We want your kids to learn to love God and want to serve him and others and to develop skills to be the future leaders of the Church and fully devoted to Christ. Baker Heights has many opportunities for your children to grow in the Lord.
Beginning in infancy with our nursery, your children are exposed to songs and toys that celebrate the Bible. We have Bible classes beginning at age 2 and continuing through 5th grade. In Bible class, we want your kids to do more than just hear stories from the Bible, we want them to learn Bible truths and do activities that help cement the lessons learned from those stories.
During the fall and spring semesters, we have a special class for children aged 2 and a half through 2nd grade. This class, called Children’s Bible Class, or CBC, takes place during the Sunday evening services and is a time where kids learn the Bible through puppet skits, songs, crafts, games, and other activities.
During the summer, BHCC hosts its annual Vacation Bible School, or VBS, for kids aged 2 and a half through 5th grade. Typically a three night event, VBS takes CBC puppet scripts, crafts, and stories to a whole new level, where the entire congregation gets involved with interactive centers and scripts, costumes, sets, and more.
Starting in 3rd grade, kids can participate in Leadership Training for Christ, or LTC, every Easter Weekend. LTC is a statewide convention that develops their knowledge of the Bible, enhances their leadership skills, and orients their abilities to areas of Christian service. Participants take part in many different events, including Bible Bowl, puppets, chorus, art, and many other activities that they can utilize for Christ as they mature in the Church. To learn more about LTC, visit www.ntltc.org.
Kids from Kindergarten through 4th grade can attend Day Camp at White River Youth Camp, which takes place one Monday through Friday in the early summer. For the rest of the summer, kids 4th-5th grade can attend White River for traditional summer camp. For more information about White River, visit www.whiteriveryouthcamp.com.
Every Sunday morning we have Kids Time, where the kids go to the front of the Auditorium and get to interact with one of our ministers. This time helps the kids focus their minds on worship and what they will be hearing during the sermon. Once a month, kids have the opportunity to bring non-perishable goods to donate to the Food Pantry at BHCC.