Success and Failure

The difference between success and failure is often the ability to get up just one more time than you fall down! ~Unknown


Why Keep Going?

Before we are told of an Abraham who had the faith to offer up his one and only son to the Lord, we are told of the Abraham who lied and said his wife was his sister because he didn’t trust in God to keep him safe. Moses could have easily given up. He had a strong temper, a stammering tongue and even started out as a fugitive on the run. Even Peter, a disciple close to Jesus, made mistake after mistake before he became the apostle we know him to be. When he tried to follow the steps of Jesus and walk on water, he sank; and during the crucifixion, he denied Christ not just once, but three times. Still, Peter got back up and was there to preach on the day of Pentecost when the church was started.


Mistakes are Inevitable

We are going to make them, but what makes the difference is what we decide to do after the mistake. When you fall, do you sit there feeling sorry for yourself or do you get up – this time more carefully, not stumbling over the same thing again? I am not telling you falling does not hurt – because it does. But we serve a Savior who comforts, forgives, and gives us the power to get back up again. In Proverbs 24:16 we are told,

“…for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity.”


Even the righteous will fall, but they learn from it, get back up and keep going. So as Christians let us make sure that we are not staying down too long, keep getting back up and continue on our journey. Heaven awaits. Be there.

Luke Bower - Youth and Family Minister
Luke Bower
Youth and Family Minister