
Episode #4

Guided Through Grief – Learning to Walk through the Valley

Host, Sean D'Entremont
Guest, Charles Goodnight

About This Episode:

Sean D’Entremont is joined by Charles Goodnight, an elder at Baker Heights who has worked in hospice care. Together, they discuss that grief and loss may come in many forms, from losing a pet or a loved one to even losing a job, health, or financial security. Throughout our journey, we must remember to keep God as our guide, no matter how dark the valley may get. We can lean on each other through the process, because no loss or grieving process will ever be “one-size-fits-all.”

If you are struggling with grief, Baker Heights in Abilene, Texas offers a monthly grief support group. All are welcome – learn more at bakerheights.org/ministry/grief-support/

Scriptures Referenced:

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…

  • Psalm 23: 4

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