World Bible School

At Baker Heights, we encourage our members to become World Bible School study helpers. WBS study helpers are everyday Christians like you and me who volunteer their time to help others. A study helper exchanges Bible lessons with people who have signed up to study the Bible using the World Bible School courses. The beauty of WBS is that both the student and the study helper grow as they spend time in God’s Word.

As a study helper, your role is to review the student’s answers he/she provides on the lessons. You will also give the student feedback from the Scriptures. In addition to reviewing the answers from your student(s), as a study helper, you will be available as a prayer partner.

WBS students study at their own pace through online courses, or via printed correspondence courses sent through the mail.

“Just as it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!’ Romans 10:15

Baker Heights World Bible School Ministry

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