Missionary Support

Mark 16:15 – He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

This is the guiding passage and principle followed by the elders and deacons working with missions. Over the years, we have worked with over 40 different mission efforts and worked on every continent throughout the world. We have sponsored mission families relocating to areas with no mission efforts. At times, we have contributed to the support of up to 14 missionaries or the efforts they were involved in. We also like to support the mission efforts of friends and family. When people we know are doing mission work, we do our best to help them however, and whenever we can.

Currently, we are focusing on one major mission effort: East-Reach, Zambia. In 2020, we have 13 preachers who are supported by the White Rock Foundation, and we are supporting the preacher training school. The focus of the school is to train men who desire to preach and then, after that training, give them some practical experience under the guidance of our current preachers.

All glory and praise go to our God in heaven for the successes we have realized – and continue to see ­­in the mission efforts we are blessed to be a part of.​

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Missionary Support

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