Life Isn’t Possible Without Water

No Guarantees

For the last month at our house, turning on the faucet has not meant that you are guaranteed to get water. We live in one of the older parts of town, and the city has decided it is time to replace the main water line that runs right in front of our house.

After being blocked into a drive for the 5th time, we wondered what was taking so long. The existing line was rusted and fragile, and they have been having to stop and fix it several times before they can proceed with replacing it.

Be Prepared

After a month of this, we have learned to be prepared – to be careful when we shower and keep bottled water on hand. We get so used to just turning on the facet and having water. We have taken it for granted.

Taking Things For Granted

When something is readily available, we don’t really appreciate it until it’s gone. Life isn’t possible without water. In fact, many towns and cities in Texas owe their location to the fact that water was there. People settled and built their homes in areas where there was water because they couldn’t survive without it.

We Can’t Live Without Water

No wonder when Jesus found the spiritually thirsty woman at the well, he described himself as living water. He told her, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14). Just as we can’t live without water, we can’t live eternally without Jesus.

Like turning on a faucet and getting water, many of us are so used to the concept of the grace of Jesus that we have begun taking him for granted. Today as we pause and remember his death, and the gift of eternal life we receive from it, let us appreciate it and not take it for granted.

Luke Bower - Youth and Family Minister
Luke Bower
Youth and Family Minister

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