I was reminded this last week about one my favorite artists, Zane Williams. My favorite song of his is “Hurry Home” and I thought it was good one to talk about on Father’s Day. In this song he does a modern day telling of the prodigal son. Ever since I heard the chorus it has stuck with me. A father whose daughter has run away from home leaves this message on his answering machine in hopes that she might call.
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, I still love you,
it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, you can still come home,
and honey if it’s you, we’ve got a lot of making up to do,
and I can’t hug you on the phone, so hurry home.
We Find Ourselves in that Place
A lot of us have found ourselves in the place of the prodigal son. You never meant to end up there and it is not what you thought, but now you are lost and alone. Maybe you find yourself there today. We should take comfort in the fact that God desperately wants us to come home. In fact, in Luke chapter 15 we are told when the son realizes the error of his ways and heads home:
Watching for Our Return
Isn’t it awesome that we have a God who so desperately wants to be with us that he is sitting there watching for us to return? Not only does he watch, but he runs. We have a God who runs to greet us. We have a God who loved us so much that he sent his son to die in our stead. So, if you are not where you need to be Hurry Home.