I Have A Bad Habit
As gas prices rise, I get in the bad habit of trying to make a tank of gas last as long as possible in hopes that, by the time I must fill up, the prices will drop. They very rarely do, by the way. This last week this habit almost got me into trouble. I waited until I was almost on fumes before I decided to pull into the station. As I puttered in, I noticed a sign on all the pumps, “out of gas.” Luckily, I was able to coast downhill to the next station, but I was very close to walking.
Empty Spiritual Tanks
Some of us are in the bad habit of walking around with our spiritual tank on empty. We wait until we absolutely must turn to God’s word and family to refill our tanks. There are too many times in which we get so desperate we try and fill our tanks with the wrong kind of fuel. We seek out worldly things like distraction, entertainment, or relationships, but that kind of fuel really doesn’t work.
Designed To Run On God
Author C.S. Lewis wrote, “God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He, Himself, is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirit were designed to feed on. There is no other.” In Ephesians 5:18we read, “And do not get drunk with wine, which is debauchery, but be filled by the Spirit.”(NET)
True Fuel
So let us not walk around with low fuel lights on when it comes to our spiritual tanks. And let us seek out the true fuel from the holy spirit which can be found in God’s word and in His family. If we run out of fuel in our car we might be walking, but if we run out of spiritual fuel in our lives, we might find ourselves in debauchery and despair.