5 Tips for Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are timeless practices that nurture our relationship with God and deepen our spiritual journey. These disciplines, which include prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting, and more, serve as vital tools for spiritual growth and transformation. Rooted in biblical teachings, they help us to cultivate a life of devotion, aligning our hearts and minds with God’s will. By intentionally engaging in these practices, we create space for God’s presence in our lives, fostering a deeper understanding of His Word and a closer connection to His Spirit. In this post, we’ll explore five simple tips that will help you incorporate the spiritual disciplines into your life and enrich your daily walk with God.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)



Every morning when you wake up, resist the temptation to grab your phone and let the world rush into your heart and mind. Instead, say a prayer. Put in your earphones and listen to a few minutes of the daily Bible. Pick up a daily devotional and read a page. Listen to worship music as you dress. Keep the world at bay as you start your day.

  • God before gossip
  • Goodness before games
  • Scripture before scrolling

Do not be deceived. There is a competition for your heart and mind.  You get to choose the daily winner of that contest!



I have observed that we have let the ability to pray fade away. You may challenge me, “No we haven’t! I pray all the time.” To which I would ask, “If you were asked to pray for a friend, would you feel comfortable to stop and pray out loud for her right then?” If not, perhaps you could spend some time in the “practice” of prayer. The more you pray in your private life, the easier it is to pray in front of others.

  • Pray your private prayers out loud
  • Pray from a list
  • Pray a Psalm
  • Kneel to feel a sense of reverence. Your posture and position can have a positive impact on your prayer life.
  • Remember your friends, family members, and acquaintances who may have no one in the world who will pray for them — but you.


I suggest that you set aside an hour every evening to fast from your phone. Don’t scroll. Don’t look at texts. Don’t check your work email. Fast. Instead, spend your time with others or in a spiritual discipline.

  • Feast in conversation and interaction with your family and/or friends
  • Set aside a sacred time for silence, solitude, study, or service


We recently went through a book study in our ladies class about the rampant spread of loneliness in women. The book, “Find Your People” by Jennie Allen, revealed that the modern world in which we live is one that can be full of personal isolation. Human beings today often find themselves longing real – not virtual – relationships. To push back against this trend, commit to the spiritual discipline of community. Carve out an hour a week to sit down face-to-face with someone and connect. Intentionally reach out with the purpose of building and strengthening your community.

  • Think of this as focused fellowship
  • Connecting with others defeats depression and loneliness in both of you
  • Connecting in person establishes bonds that build the body of Christ


The last spiritual discipline I recommend that you establish in your life is a weekly sabbath rest. Biblically, a Sabbath rest was a command in the Law of Moses to the people of Israel following their deliverance from captivity in Egypt. While this is no longer a command for Christians to follow, adopting the practice of setting aside a day to cease our production and rest in the Lord is still beneficial.

  • Seek peace over performance
  • Choose Bible over business
  • Enjoy community over commercialism
  • Experience trust over trying
  • Find joy over anxiety

Practical Plan Spiritual Disciplines


Here’s a practical plan to help you focus on Christ and incorporate these principles into your daily life. It’s designed to be simple, flexible, and transformative over time.

Morning Routine: Setting the Focus

 1. Start with Gratitude (5 minutes)

  • Before getting out of bed, thank God for three specific things.
  • Example: “Thank You for Your faithfulness, for the breath in my lungs, and for the people You’ve placed in my life.”

 2. Scripture and Prayer (15 minutes)

  • Choose a passage to meditate on. You could use a devotional guide, follow a reading plan (e.g., the Gospels or Psalms), or reflect on verses like 2 Corinthians 3:18 or Philippians 4:8.
  • Pray using the passage: ask God to help you live out what you’ve read.
  • Example: “Lord, as I behold Your glory today, transform me to reflect Your love, patience, and holiness.”

 3. Set an Intention for the Day

  •  Ask: “What attribute of Christ do I want to reflect today?” For example, patience, humility, or joy.
  •  Write it down or keep it in mind as a guiding principle.

Midday Check-In: Guarding Your Focus

1. Pause and Reflect (5 minutes)
Take a short break to ask:

  • Am I focused on Christ or distracted by worldly concerns?
  • Am I reflecting His character in my interactions?
  • Pray a short prayer of redirection if needed: “Lord, help me to reset my focus on You.”

2. Fill Your Mind with Truth

  • Listen to worship music, a short sermon, or a podcast about spiritual growth during lunch or a walk.
  • Example resource: BibleProject podcasts or the “Pray As You Go” app.

Evening Routine: Reflection and Renewal

1. Journal or Reflect (10 minutes)
Ask yourself:

  • Where did I see God at work today?
  • Did I reflect Christ in my words, thoughts, and actions?
  • What distracted me, and how can I refocus tomorrow?

2. End the Day in Prayer

  • Confess any areas where you struggled, thank God for His grace, and ask for strength to grow.
  • Example: “Lord, thank You for guiding me today. Forgive me for moments when I lost focus. Transform me to be more like Jesus tomorrow.”

Weekly Habits for Growth

1. Dedicated Sabbath or Rest Day

  • Spend extended time in worship, Bible study, and rest to reset your focus.

2. Fellowship and Accountability

  • Attend a small group or connect with a mentor. Share what God is teaching you and encourage one another.

3. Service and Outreach

  • Reflect Christ by serving others—volunteer, write an encouraging note, or help someone in need.

Long-Term Growth: Deepening Your Focus

  • Memorize Scripture: Choose one verse weekly that reminds you to focus on Christ. For example, Hebrews 12:2: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”
  • Declutter Distractions: Identify activities or influences that draw your focus away from God (e.g., excessive media consumption) and replace them with uplifting alternatives.
  • Celebrate Progress: Periodically reflect on how God has transformed you and celebrate His work in your life.

And after a little while, let us know how you’re doing!

Kit Mullins - Author
Kit Mullins
Baker Heights Member

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