
This last week in Ladies Class we talked about the importance of some of the names in the book of Acts; how Saul had become Paul, Barnabas (Son of encouragement) lived up to his name, and how in Antioch followers of Christ were first called Christians. Both the Bible and history suggest that the term Christian was probably meant as a mocking insult when it was first coined. Peter tells his readers not to be “ashamed” if they are called by that term (1 Peter 4:16).

How we are known and what name we are called can be important. King Solomon wrote this about names:

“A great name is to be chosen rather than great riches” (Proverbs 22:1).

“A good name is better than precious ointment” (Ecclesiastes 7:1).

He was not talking about whether a name sounded good or was unique; he was talking about the reputation that goes along with your name.


Thought and Reputations

That brings me to my question for this morning. When people hear your name, what thoughts and reputation accompany it? Is it honesty, integrity, kindness, and generosity, or is it something negative? When people hear your name, do they think of someone who is faithfully living for Christ? By our attitudes and actions, we are creating memories associated with our name. Something else to keep in mind is if you are someone who claims to be a Christian, you do not just represent your own name, but also the name of Christ. Are you living a life that represents the Name that is above all names?

I do not know whether you have made choices that have given you a name that is honored and respected, or if you have soiled it with bad decisions. We could all stand to evaluate our name and make sure it is one that brings Christ honor and encourages those we love.

Luke Bower - Youth and Family Minister
Luke Bower
Youth and Family Minister

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