There it sits up on the very top shelf. Yes, it’s that gift that you received last Christmas. It’s well wrapped in glossy red paper and the bow is white satin. It’s the picture of Christmas cheer, the epitome of the gift-giving season. You have taken it down from the shelf several times during the year. It’s heavy and it rattles when shaken.

Yes, I know, the questions arise: Who would leave an un-opened gift on the shelf? What kept us from opening it? Was it the giver? Was it the color? Did we lack the typical joy from receiving such a gift? Somehow it just doesn’t make sense. Who would leave such a beautiful gift unopened on the shelf?

Gifts from God

In this season of “gift-giving”, I hope we will focus more on the gifts we have from God, the creator. The fact is our God loves giving gifts and he has given innumerable ones to each of us! The New Testament tells us that Christ Jesus, the greatest gift of all, has himself been a generous gift-giver. He has given us gifts that he hopes we will use in our lives to bring us closer to him and to serve those around us. Does it make any sense to receive a gift from the creator of the world and to leave it unwrapped on the top shelf of our life? Discovering your gifts, opening them, is part of the growth process as a Christian. But it goes beyond that.

Here at Baker Heights, we are surrounded by brothers and sisters who are gifted by the Spirit of God. We are rich in that regard! Let’s focus this season on praising God for the greatest gift of all, and by bringing Him glory by using the gifts he has given us to better the world around us!

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Pet. 4:10 (ESV)
Larry Sullivan

Baker Heights Preaching Minister

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