Proverbs of the New Testament
The book of James shares wisdom that provides a path to living a Christian life. This book is sometimes referred to as the “Proverbs” of the New Testament because it contains so many pearls of wisdom. Here is a list of proverbs from James I found in some of my study notes. These will provide you guidance as to how to go about living a Christian life.
Pearls of Wisdom from the Book of James
- Trials of life bring maturity (1:2-4)
- Perseverance brings salvation (1:12)
- Temptations are not from God (1:13-15)
- Every good gift is from God (1:16-18)
- Believers must obey God’s word not just listen to it (1:24-25)
- Be quick to listen and slow to speak (1:19-20)
- Real faith shows itself by deeds we do (2:14-19)
- The tongue is a powerful force & must be controlled (3:1-12)
- Heavenly wisdom comes from God & earthly wisdom is demonic (3:13-17)
- Friendship toward the world is hatred toward God (4:1-6)
- Do not boast about tomorrow (4:13-17)
- Let your yes be yes and your no be no (5:12)
- Saving others will cover a multitude of sins (5:20)
It is my hope that these God-given pearls of wisdom will give each one of us a path to follow in our daily life that leads to our salvation and a home with our LORD!

Ed Cowart
Baker Heights Elder