In 1973, Arlo Guthrie released “Last Train”, a complicated look at death and the afterlife. The opening line opines, “I want to hop on the last train in the station/Won’t need to get yourself prepared.” The “last train” refers to the last train to glory. Contrary to Guthrie’s conclusion, Peter warns people to prepare for the last train, “Gird up the loins of your mind” (1 Pet 1:13). It calls us to prepare our minds for action and live life on God’s terms.
Set Your Mind on Grace
First, we could lose our salvation. We must set our minds on grace. Although we received grace at baptism, the ultimate measure of grace will come at “the revelation of Jesus” (1 Pet 1:13). We must stay vigilant until the end, or we will give up our reward.
Set Your Mind on Obedience
Second, we must have holy conduct. The children of God must be obedient (1 Pet 1:14). Christians live differently than the world they left. That doesn’t mean Christians do not have temptations, it means they strive to deny those temptations. Christians look to the example of God in the flesh as a guide to holy conduct (1 Pet 1:15-16).
Set Your Minds to Walk Upright
Third, we must conduct ourselves with fear. Peter says, “Conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile” (1 Pet 1:17). While exiled in this world and surrounded by iniquity, we must prepare our minds to walk upright.
The Ransom
Finally, God paid a high price for us. “You were ransomed…with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Pet 1:18-19). Jesus opened a way to God by paying a blood price. When we do not keep our lives holy, we devalue the worth of God’s blood. Knowing the cost of our salvation prods us to commitment.
Gird up the loins of your mind and prepare to face trials and temptations. The Adversary is not content to leave us alone and makes each day a battle. If we are not preparing for the last train, we will miss it.

Preaching Minister