The Power of One
In the 1988 film Willow, written by George Lucas and Bob Dolman, the village sorcerer asks the titular character, “Which finger has the power to control the world?” In the […]
Blessings, Prayer, and Thanksgiving
Well, two things of import have occurred for the family at Baker Heights. First and foremost, we have a new pulpit minister. Welcome to the Dilbeck family. We can praise […]
On Being Thankful
Some people think being thankful all the time is like constantly going around with a goofy smile on your face and being insensitive to other people’s feelings. Some think it […]
Organic Outreach
Genuine. Authentic. Real. Prized relationships revolve around these concepts. We do not trust fake and flaky people. Smarminess and superficiality make us feel used and unimportant. However, genuine fealty and […]
This last week in Ladies Class we talked about the importance of some of the names in the book of Acts; how Saul had become Paul, Barnabas (Son of encouragement) […]
I approached the elders couple a month ago, and they gave me the go ahead to teach the Wednesday night Auditorium class in the month of December and focus on […]
“Beta” Mode
The other day, I received an invitation to try a “Beta” version of some new software. In the digital world, that means that it is available for public use with […]
What is our greatest need in life? Is it to be happy? We may long for a change in our circumstances, and sometimes that’s what we get. But a […]
The Potential of Change
When Elijah neared the end of his life, he hid from danger in a cave at Mount Horeb. God challenged him by asking, “What are you doing here?” (1 Kings […]
Jesus Loves the Little Children
My my! God has blessed Baker Heights with so many babies. I just wonder if we have been truly praying for these babies and their parents. We have Nathaniel Branson, […]